Friday, June 10, 2011

Where It Began

Best of Utah on Twitter did not begin with a dream, but a hunger.  A hunger, for... well food.  As a single guy, who does not enjoy cooking for one all the time, I have a few places around I like to eat.  Instead of just picking one I turned to one of my favorite things, besides food, Twitter.  I picked five local burger places that also were on Twitter.  If they weren't on Twitter, then they were out of luck.  Then I asked the Twitter world what they thought, but I was also looking to see which business was willing to engage with their followers, and actually compete and want my business.

I got a good response, several businesses and fans responded.  It was really easy for me to see which had a good public relations person, those that had very loyal customers, and those that had both.  I want to give my business to those that have both.

After my original twitter poll, I decided I wanted to do more.  I want to learn about businesses and people in Utah on Twitter, and let people know who is worth knowing, and who isn't.  Sports, entertainment, food, you name it, I want to find the best of Utah on Twitter.  I hope that you will help me in this quest and that we can find some great people, businesses, and help those people and businesses gain followers and customers.

If you know a great company that is on Twitter, or have a suggestion for a poll, let me know.  Each week will be a new topic.  I hope to see you here often, and that this will be beneficial for all of us.

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